According to my sister in law this drink especially wolfberry is good for the eyes. I did several research online and found out that this drink is really good to treat those with blurred vision and it help to improve the eye sight. Since I am spending my day time at work with most of the time infront of the PC and at night time I am spending the time with my cross stitch. Thus I can see that I need this drink BADLY.
Despite taking this drink regularly but there are few things I have to look out for as the chrysanthemum has its cold effect and those that can easily has the cold sweat sensation and for those that down with flu, fever, flame and diarrhea are not encourage to take this drink at all.

All you have to do to get this drink is put few of the chrysanthemum flower into a cup with wolfberry and red dates and pour hot boiling water in it and steep for 5mins. If you prefer to have some sweetness in this drink you may add in some sugar and if you want it to be in natural way just skip the sugar.
u r welcome city.