Friday, September 23, 2011

24-9-2011 Kai Choy's Rice (Chinese Mustard Cabbage)

The aunty in my office was telling me how delicious the 'kua chai' rice and of course I can't resist the temptation and asked her for the recipe. And this is my version of kai choy with some slight changes from the original recipe.

-after stir fry all the ingredients.waiting to be put it into the steaming hot rice.

-cook in the rice cooker.

-and ready to serve!!

This cooking is so easy and not so complicated as I imagine.Here's the step:

1-Cut and clean the kai choy. Finely shredded carrot, chinese mushroom,garlic,dry prawns and stir fry with normal cooking oil (1tbsp) and sesame oil (2tbsp). Once you smell the nice aroma it's time for you to add in the cut kai choy and stir fry again until the kai choy is soften. Put it aside.

2-Wash and clean the rice and let it cook and right before all the water dry up pour in all the stir fry ingredients in it and stir around by add in some sesame oil. Close the cover and taaaaadaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa your kai choy rice is ready!


  1. Ah, I remember this one, something Ah Mah used to make :) Comfort food it was, nice with a bowl of tong chai soup.

  2. this is my first attempt making this dishes as an aunty in my office teach me how to cook this..hehe..but its yummylicious!

  3. mmm..sunds like a really nice tasty meal!

  4. yes Lena it taste so good!thinking of cooking this again this weekend.
