Thursday, September 15, 2011

15-9-2011 Fry Tomyam Beehoon

I'm back with my this week cooking! I fry this tomyam beehoon before but it does not turn out to be good. And last Wednesday while I was at work all of sudden I think of making fry tomyam beehoon so I headed to the nearest supermarket near my office during lunch to buy the ingredients..I've bought a tomyam paste (this brand I bought taste so good,I'll upload the picture in my later post),beehoon,taugeh,bunga kantan, and I pluck few leaves of kaffir lime leaves from my office. And I make this tomyam beehoon for our dinner last night and it is AWESOME...I managed to find out the 'trick' to make the fried tomyam beehoon taste better and the answer is's the picture.

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