Thursday, September 1, 2011

Bubble Milk Tea

After a long search...and finally I've found the tapioca pearls for bubble milk tea! Yeah, I bought this at my hometown, Taiping. I just can't believe it when the shop I went to told me they're selling it. I was so surprised! I've been searching and looking up and down for this in Penang but I just can't find it here. My mom brought me to the shop this morning and found it.

Immediately when we reached Penang, BF has already requested me to prepare the drinks for him as he LOVE bubble milk tea SO SO much! So we went to MyDin at Bukit Jambul to buy the 3in1 Teh Tarik while we're browsing a new handphone for him cuz his old handphone is D.E.A.D...totally D.E.A.D...sigh...

Tapioca Pearls for bubble milk tea

Original Bubble Milk Tea

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