Saturday, February 19, 2011

Famous Air Itam Market Laksa

Last night when I was watching tv all of sudden I think of Air Itam Market Laksa. So I told my bf we're going to Air Itam today and he here we are bought the laksa back home for our tea time..I bought 3 Large packet of laksa which cost me RM4/packet/bowl and normal is only RM3/packet/bowl...It's way more delicious now compare to last time and more spicy!

Penang Famous Air Itam Market Laksa

Friday, February 18, 2011

Bak Moi with Egg (Minced Pork Porridge with Egg)

This is my all time favourite. But when I cooked this bak moi with egg. When I am small my mom will cook the plain 'moi' and when the moi is cooked with bubbly sound she will put an egg, lard, pepper and light soy sauce and scope the hot moi on to the bowl and mixed it while the moi is still hot so the egg is cooked before serving..ohh i really love this type of porridge. But today I add in minced pork to try something ordinary..yum!


Bak Moi (Minced Pork Porridge)

Lard,Ligth Soy Sauce,Egg & Pepper

Ready to eat 'moi'

Siu Mai with Prawn Fillings

As promise my siu mai is ready! First attempt in making siu mai...the taste is not bad but still feel like missing something...hmmm...anyway this is the photos and your step by step guide....


Minced Pork

Chopped spring onion

Sui Kow Pastry

Minced Pork mixed with Spring Onion...Marinate the minced pork with oyster sauce,sesame oil,seasoning,salt and pepper

Lay the pastry skin on your palm and flatten the minced meat

and add prawns

add an another layer of minced meat and fold up like this

finally...its ready...and about to steam the ready siu mai

just out from the steamer..yum yum...

Siu Mai

This evening when I've finished work I went to Tesco extra to buy the pastry skin for making siu mai. There was two type of pastry is for sui kow and the other type is for gyoza (japanese dumpling) so I called my mom to ask for the best type of pastry skin to make the siu mai...and the answer is sui kow pastry skin. Bought one packet and I hope its enough for me to make the siu mai tomorrow.

I am so looking forward to make the siu mai tomorrow and I have to wake up early to go to the market nearby my house to avoid the crowd of people. I will go for the minced meat and plan to buy the meat for 600gm and if I have the minced meat balance I will make porridge tonight..oh not to forget LARD! I am going to put the green peas on top of the siu mai instead of the fish roe.I was thinking to have shrimps added into my siu mai but after thinking twice better I go for the original kind of siu mai..oh I cant wait!!

Will upload photo once I am done with my siu mai...

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Wanted to make siu mai

I was reading a blog where the blogger has just make sui mai and I am so wanted to try to make it this weekend. Since I dont have to work this weekend and plan to occupied my time with some cooking! yay...cant wait for the weekend to arrive...If I am successful I will post the picture here...

Monday, February 7, 2011


Deep Fried Pumpkin

Lemongrass Prawn

Mee Suah Koh

Banana Pancake

Maggie Mee with Fishball and vege...

Laksa Penang

Nasi Briyani

Indian Fish Curry (Black Pomfret)


2011 First Posting

Hi, this is the first time I am uploading this post ever since I've created this blog in October 2010. Here I will share with you some of the photos taken from the dishes I cooked at home. Well I love cooking but since few months back I've stop cooking cuz I found it kinda tired to cook after work moreover from January 2011 onwards I will only finish work at 6pm (compare to last time I clock out at 5pm) so I will just buy from the economy rice stall. BUT I still cook during the weekend if I have the time. Do let me know if you want any recipe from me. Will be glad to share with you my recipe here.