Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Carrot Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting

I have countless time I tried to make this carrot cake, let it be for steam or bake I always failed to steam/bake a nice one. But my all this while effort is paid off when I successfully bake this yummylicious carrot cake. I have asked around my friends how to make sure my cake is really cook and not moist in the center of the cake and with their info I managed to successfully bake one yesterday. Original recipe call for 180degree for 40mins for upper and lower heat, I pre-heat my oven at 250degree for 10mins and bake for an hour 180degree on lower rack for 30mins and an another 30mins on middle rack with 200degree temperature. After 60mins process I adjust the heat to only lower heat for an another 10mins. Well the results is awesome!No crack line :D

So here's the recipe link

Nasi Lemak Lover: Carrot cake with cream cheese frosting

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