Tuesday, October 19, 2010

My First Cooking Blog

As some of the peoples does, I always wish to have my own blog where I can share the passion for cooking. I love cooking especially I've moved in to my new house and I have my own kitchen. I love to look at my loved one when he is enjoying my cooking it feels like so satisfy and he seems like love my cooking!!

I will do it bits by bits one my cooking recipe. Some of the recipe I learned from my mother. Whenever she is at my place or I am back to my hometown and when cooked something special there it goes...Mom I need to know your secret!!

Infact my mom loves cooking too. She has not passion for handcrat as she prefer to spend most of her time in the kitchen and cooking! Well, all my nephwes loves my mom's cooking. I own some special skills from my mom is our tongue! Once mom has tasted the new food the very next day she's able to cook the 90% similar food that she ate the previous day. Thank God for giving me the same skills that my mom has.

Blogging no more but let's go to the recipes!!

p/s: Besides cooking.. I love Cross Stitch. I've just ordered a new cross stitch online and now I am waiting for the delivery to arrive next week. I will post up some of the pictures here to share with you.

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